Elder Story – Jean from The Lodge

Let’s Meet Jean!
As we move into the month of August, we are featuring Elder Stories from each of the Homes. This is Jean Milne. She lives at North Lambton Lodge in Forest and moved here in October of 2022. Jean was born in Leamington, Ontario. She moved to the Forest area as a child and attended both elementary and high school in Forest.
Jean loves to travel and has been to many different places throughout her life. She has an extraordinary work ethic and loved her job. She went to school to become a nurse and did just that. She went to Victoria Hospital in London, Ontario to do her training. This consisted of 3 years working in the hospital to get her credentials to become a Registered Nurse.
After she finished her schooling, she moved to London, England to pursue her nursing career and opened her own business called “Anzlond”. Nurses moving from New Zealand and Australia would come to Jean’s business looking for nursing jobs. Jean would then match these nurses with Long-Term Care Homes and Hospitals, in Home Care or private clinics. She ran her business for 40 years and does not regret it one bit. Jean also said that working in pediatrics was her favorite part of being a nurse.
Jean loves it here at The Lodge, and says it reminds her of her profession. She enjoys the time she spends with the staff and Elders and loves to share her stories as a nurse.
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