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What to Expect on Moving Day

What to Expect on Moving Day

When you arrive at the Home please check in at the reception desk. Staff will welcome you and show you to your new accommodations. This will begin the orientation to your Home. Please realise this will be a gradual process over the next few days and ask about anything that is not clear to you. The staff will be asking you many questions. This helps us understand how you want your care provided, what kinds of things you like to eat and how you like to spend your time.

You will also spend some time with someone from the business office. This person will explain to you our responsibilities to you and yours to us as well as what processes you will use to pay for your accommodations and any other services you will be purchasing from us. We will need some documentation from you as well.  Soon after you move in, the Social Worker will make contact with you to review relevant policies and procedures as well as to ensure that your transition to the home is as smooth as possible.

Jane Joris

“We believe in compassionate care, service excellence, dignity and choice and accountability. We want the best care possible while being good stewards of public money. As people caring for people, our services are provided by the community in the community for the community.”

Jane Joris
General Manager

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