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Transitioning to a Long-Term Care Home

Transitioning to a Long-Term Care Home

A move to a new Home always has its challenges. The staff at The Villa, The Manor or The Lodge are here to help you through this time. Feel free to ring the call bell for assistance at any time or ask at the nursing station or reception desk for anything you need or are wondering about.

We realize that there is a lot of information provided when you are new to a Long-Term Care Home. Approximately six weeks after you move in, an initial care conference will be held with you, your care team and whomever else you want to attend. At this meeting, we will review your care plan to ensure that we are meeting your care needs from an interdisciplinary perspective. Your input is vitally important to ensure we are respecting your values, wishes and beliefs.

Michael Gorgey

“We believe ageing well starts with living well. Excellence in care, respect for individuality, and accountability drive us. We provide the highest quality of care while staying deeply connected to our community. Compassion and dignity are our lived reality.”

Michael Gorgey
General Manager

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